Charles Adams

Hello, world!

I'm Charles, an Offensive Security Engineer and USMC Veteran. I am almost finish a B.S. in Computer Science with a concentration in Cybersecurity. I have earned the GFACT, GSEC, and GCIH certifications and am currently training for the OSCP.

I compete with the University of Delaware CTF team in weekly international CTF events. Check out my writeups for some live CTF problems solved since 3-10-2023 HERE!!

I have eight years of military experience, in system administration, information system security analysis, duty as a sentry, and process improvement.


TCP File Transfer

A TCP file transfer application where a server sends a requested file to the client. Written in C

Github Repo:


Campus Club

A full-stack MongoDB, Express, Angular, NodeJS (MEAN) web application. Front end hosted on Github, backend hosted on Google Clout Platform. Users can view, create, edit, remove and join events around the University of Delaware campus. Heavy integration of Google's OAuth2.0 and Maps.

App URL:
Github Repo:

DIY Discord

A mock Discord chat app with vanilla JavaScript, jQuery, and Firebase with web app security in mind. Users can create an account, switch between servers, and post chats to message boards. Admins can create/delete servers, kick/add users to servers, promote/demote admins and users, and do everything a simple user can do.

App URL:
Github Repo:

CPU Scheduler

Scheduling program written in C. Schedules jobs based on first-in-first-out and shortest-job-first. Heavy use of structs and linked-lists.

Github Repo:

ToDo Web App

To do list web app built with React and Firebase. Users can create an account, add and delete chores.

App URL:
Github Repo:

Web App Authentication Page Boilerplate

Boilerplate authentication system built with React and Firebase.

App URL:
Github Repo:

University of Delaware Computer Science Degree Planner Web App

A University of Delaware Computer Science degree planning tool built in React. UD students can use the tool to plan future semester course loads, check requirements, edit the requirements and more.

App URL: Github Repo:

Calculator Web App

A simple calculator built in React. My first web project.

App URL:
Github repo:

Contact Me

Please reach out if you want to meet, talk, or collaborate!